Thursday, November 29, 2012


Yes it it true if look back we can relate and see how things change and why did it happen. With history we can see why it change and if it didn't, we can imagine how our society would it be to this day. History is not much of an opinion its most a fact.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012


S- Mexican Revolution
O-the video was produce after the war during this time. It happen when the U.S wanted more land. This is often called The Mexican Revolution
A-This was for all the Americans and audience asking how we gain more land
P-This was produce to give people an idea of what happen in the process of gaining more land.
P-He believes that we (Americans) wanted more land so we went and fought for it.
S-He is probably a historian who has studied about the Mexican Revolution and how it started.
Tone- Passionate about how it all happen  

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Its sad how a men have to go to war and then not come back, leaving loved ones alone and heart broken. The soldier in the video clip loved his wife and children, he knew there was going to be a chance of him not coming back. Listening to this makes you sad because sometimes you wish the world in peace.  

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


It is true because people started to notice that a pattern in history, they see how events and things tend to repeat in time. We're all humans so we always want more no matter what, thus proving that we haven't learned anything from our past.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


A world without nuclear weapons would be less dangerous; however, having nuclear weapons can make countries not fight each other because they know that if they start a war, a big disaster is going to happen. Nuclear weapons are the most dangerous weapons humanity has ever built in history.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Sometimes being neutral is the best thing to do because you'll not have many problems as if you try to help or try to do justice. It also depends on how bad the injustice is. If its something big then yes sometimes its good to try to make justice. Like if someone is going to get killed for something they didn't do, then you do something.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


It is true because in our modern world racism still exist and other things that are not suppose to happen, happens. People say that corruption is used by a certain countries but the truth is that corruption is everywhere its just that some now how to hide it well.  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I Agree with Howard Zinn because when people do something that changes the world, we would know how they did and why the did it. If we didn't really care about history then we would be clueless of most things in life. Almost everything has history, some of it is sad and some of it is glorious for some us.