Thursday, January 31, 2013


I agree with the ideas an examples Steward gave. How society would be if it didn't go trough Progressivism. He also made out points showing how the politician was lying and being a hypocrite with him self. The politician was trying to give his ideas for gun control but he did't notice how absurd they sounded and how his evidence was a complete joke.   

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Data                                          Questions                Hypothesis                   Learning Issues
boy returns                                Was the mother       The mother knew          How does she know he arived
home very late                           awake?                   some how the time         after one o' clock.
                                                                                of his arrival.
about one o' clock                     Did he really came   Newspaper!!!
she knows it was later than
the time he given    

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Data                    Questions                          Hypothesis            Learning Issues
Had a mother              Does he really know     He was the man    No man can be born
Consider normal           who his father is?        in the house          before his father
Married to his sister
 Before Father

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


False, many cultures have been exclusive and have survive. Even if a culture has changes, it will still be the same.